Sunday, 13 December 2009

lets post something...
Thursday: hell mistake! A mistake that i can forgive myself!! A $65 plus deduction from my pay! All thanks to me! Sian...

Friday: didn't work! Hee.. still feel sad after that mistake! Nvm, i tried to forget it.. Woke up quite early around 6 am? Went to aunt's house as my cousin's wedding.. Haa.. Sure was funny during the groom entering the house. Not going to elaborate more.. At night went down to raffles town club for dinner.. Haha.. Damn funny and shiok! Hee. Saw wwss senior at there working! So coincidence.. Haa..

Today: actually off one, after received call from my manager.. I just went down to work lo, since i need to pay back those money. T.T .. Sian.. Next week happy liao, only got one day off cause christmas season. Sian..
Anyway, i don't know what To do now. Sian..
I know liao, sleep.. Night.